Creating widgets using ISayYouDo platform

Hi folks, ISayYouDo is a web-based service which allow users to create chains of recipes(conditional statements), which are triggered based on changes to other web services. This time I’m going to explain how to use ISayYouDo platform and create simple widgets.
Let’s start, Type in your browser. It’ll direct to above mentioned page. Let’s get started by clicking the button.

Once you logged in using the credentials, it’ll show the below page.
ISayYouDo is a platform where developers can build Say Boxes. Here I’m going to create an application to send lottery results via SMS.

The logical conditions of the application is, if user wants to get lottery results for selected lotteries, then he/she needs register to the application through ISYD( Here we have to create say boxes for each command(for Input and the Output). Let’s call them In say box and Out say box. Once those boxes are created we need to map each other to complete the actions.

In Say box need to perform like: If user wants lottery results he need to register.
Out Say box need to perform like: Once user get registered he/she needs to get results for the selected lotteries.

Let’s create In Say box:

When creating the say box, In End point stands for the URL need to call when user get registered. Since user needs to get alerts by the developer, you might need to save user details on your database. This can be performed using In Endpoint. Delete Endpoint needs to perform when user want to unregister from the application.
When user get in to isayyoudo portal, he needs to select lottery board and register. In that process, Saybox UI comes to the party. Below image is called a SayBox UI.

Here the heading is: Daily Horoscope
Paragraph is: Choose your zodiac sign & click OK to continue
The type of the filter is: drop_down

For my application, I used below UI parameters.

[       {
                   "type": "heading",
                   "size": "1",
                   "value": "Daily Lottery Results",
                   "alignment": "left",
                   "validation": [
                                       "required": false
                          }          ]
                   "type": "paragraph",
                   "value": "Choose the lottery & click OK to continue",
                   "alignment": "left",
                   "validation": [
                                       "required": false
                                 }  ]
                "type" : "drop_down",
  "name" : "condition",  
  "label" : "Set Condition",
  "options" : [{ "1" : "Mahajana Sampatha" }, { "2" : "Jathika Sampatha" }],
  "value" : "1",
  "column" : "1" ,
  "validation" : [
                                       "required": true
                          }  ]  
Okay, now we are done with the In Say Box. You can create the out Say Box in the same way. Then we can map In and Out say boxes like below

Now we are done with Sequence mapping as well. Let’s wait for the approval of the admin on the above created sayboxes.
P.S: You need get access tokens from IdeaBiz to access the related APIs.(   

I used above image to summarize what I have done so far. It contains 6 main steps in the process. 5 and 6 steps belong to Out Say Box.

Okay then, That’s all for today folks. Will get back to you soon with sample codes for these end points. ;)


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